October 09, 2012

Just found out President Clinton is now a total vegetarian because of he heart surgery. He's was the best President so far in my lifetime. Franklin Roosevelt who got the US out of the Great Great Republican Party Depression of the 1930's lasting 12 years was the best ever US President to me(understood that people have different favorites--those are just my choices).
If Paul Ryan/Romney wins thePresidential election we will have 4 plus years with Affordable Healthcare Act, Financial Services Reform Act, and new potential Supreme Court Justices like Clarence Thomas and Anthony Scallia. It would be a nightmare! No thank you, I'm voting for President Obama and the Democrats on the state and local level.

Shopping is an art when you are not loaded with money. Bargaining sucks, unless you have no money at all. Window shopping and comparison shopping too prior to blowing your minute budget for the week. Shopping for the best price during Republican Party Austerity: "cutbacks, layoffs, & taxcuts for the richest 1% will create jobs. It's the 'Democrats' and 'President Obama' who are responsible for the 2008 Worldwide Recession, lasting unemployment & Deficit."(Sure....Want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge? If you believe that, I can help you if you believe that) It's 'his' fault that Republicans blocked a larger stimulus, & his current Jobs Bill Stimulus for a year.' 'We need to bring back the Republicans & policies of 2008'???(Sure....)
...but shopping for best price fruit & produce from low cost volume providers when you can't afford expensive health food supplements is an art. Same as the best investors shop for bargains and lowest priced high quality stocks.

                 When shopping for US President I may like the Green and Justice Party Platforms(and think the Democratic Party National Committee should review the Green and the Justice Party Platforms for ideas and consideration to include in their own present and future party platforms); but I want the 99% to WIN so I am voting for President Barack Obama again and Democratic Federal, State, and Local Candidates. Because we unfortunately have a two party system really and the Democratic Party is way better than the Republicans.  Only real choice there is Democratic Primaries.  After that it is crazy to vote for Third Party or Republican 1%ers.

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