December 14, 2005


Just saw Clinton economic advisor Gene Sperling on Book TV over the weekend speaking at a bookstore called Politics And Prose in Washington DC about his book: THE PRO-GROWTH PROGRESSIVE; AN ECONOMIC STRATEGY FOR SHARED PROSPERITY and really liked what I heard and also his response to even the tough questioners. He talked about his successes and mistakes while working for President Clinton,
and more importantly talked about some future economic proposals that made sense to me and I think would make sense to both middle and lower economic class voters.
I think Democratic Party candidates and others should check this guy out. He Sounds good.
Another interesting Democratic candidate for whatever office who I think bears checking out is Governor Mark Wagner of Virginia. I feel this after seeing him interviewed on the Charlie Rose TV interview show on PBS on November 28th, 2005.
These are two democratic individuals who sound good and sound like they may be capable of countering all the Republican and Conservative misrepresentations and attacks which duped the economic middle class in particular, 'tax cuts'(for the wealthy), and so forth. Sperling and Wagner seem to know how to go after those Republican and Conservative straw issues--at least on my First take of them recently on TV. Check them out.

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