April 25, 2006

Credit Card Users: The 'Credit Card Bill of Rights' is Congressional legislation sponsored by Senator Robert Menendez designed to end sudden hikes in fees and interest rates and prevent card issuers in general from targeting vulnerable consumers. This is a consumer protection bill likely to be opposed by the Republican Congressional majority.
Almost worse than President Bush is the Republican Congress which was also responsible for the heavily Credit Card Issuer-Biased New Bankruptcy Law against the consumer. No, it will not reduce your credit card bills AT all(which will go up like your gas prices are now).
Two good authors and books about the news coverage or lack thereof on issues like these are: WHEN NEWS LIES by Danny Schecter(best known as 'the news dissector(spelling?)' on WBCN-FM in Boston); and 2.) FEET TO THE FIRE; THE MEDIA AFTER 9/11 by Katrina Borjesson.

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