November 20, 2005

About Me: Politically: I'm a liberal-centric member of the Democratic Party who could be considered a member of the Loyal Opposition to the Republican Party/Bush/Schwartzeneggar/Rupert Murdoch Regime. And in this respect I am in favor of Regime Change.(Regarding Murdoch look how he ruined TV Guide while raising it's price 10 plus fold! Surely that alone is grounds for Court Martial!)(And CNN isn't necessarily 'liberal' either--as it is often billed-it is more a matter of degree--CNN is merely more fair and impartial...Compared to FOX news) And the TV News-in particular--puts these negative things in one's face each day-if you watch it. The Republican Party's getting away with Lack Of Accountability George W. Bush) And False Advertising in general(Sometimes Referred To As: Fraud And Deception taking advantage of the American people's who too often lack of time or ability to keep up with such things). My views and comments do not necessarily reflect those of this PBS Station nor are they meant to. They are my opinion and experience only. And though the Bush/Schwartzeneggar/Rupert Murdoch Republican Party has been seeking to cut such 'Entitlements' including the right to getting air time for the liberal-centric viewpoint along with the entitlement to the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the economically disadvantaged. So the Democratic Party is my party and I'll cry if I want to. They have given me plenty of instances and reasons to cry when they put up well intentioned but weak or wrongly timed Presidental or other candidates. I recognise the right of others to disagree.

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